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Price Explanation FAQ

Q: Do Prices Include Installation?

A: Prices do not Typically Include Installation. However, We can Recommend Trusted Installers in Your Area if Needed.

Q: Do Prices Include Installation?

A: Prices do not Typically Include Installation. However, We can Recommend Trusted Installers in Your Area if Needed.

Q: How can I Get a Detailed Quote for My Project?

A: To Receive a Detailed Quote, Please Reach Out to Our Sales Team with Your Project Specifications, and They will Provide You with a Tailored Estimate.

Q: Do You Offer Discounts for Bulk Orders?

A: Yes, We Provide Discounts for Bulk Orders. Please Contact Our Sales Team for More Information on Pricing for Large Quantities.

Q: Are There any Additional Costs Beyond the Listed Prices?

A: Additional Costs May Include Shipping, Handling, and Installation Fees. These will be Detailed in Your Final Quote.

Q: How are Prices Determined for ROPO Windows and Doors?

A: The Prices are Based on Various Factors, Including Material Selection, Design Complexity, Size, and Customization Options.

Q: Which Profile Price is Expensive, uPVC or Aluminum?

A: The Price is Similar Between German uPVC and Powder Coating Aluminum. Chinese uPVC is Cheaper than Aluminum.

Q: How to Compare the Price?

A: You can Compare: Profiles, Hardware, Glass, Screen, Quality and After Service.

Q: The price is same or not if I customize the window color?

A: Aluminum frame: the price is the same for any colors if you want to powder coating, uPVC frame: the laminated frame is much more expensive than white color

Q: How long can I get the price?

A: We usually quote within 24 hours after we get your inquiry. If you are very urgent to get the price. Please call us or tell us in your email so that we will regard your inquiry priority.

Q: How long is the price valid?

 A: 30 Days

Q: What's the window/door price per square meter?

 A: Many factors will affect the price, like different window/door style, size, glass specification etc. We can supply price with customer’s window/door measurement.